-, 23 '19.
Posts are just random sketches of my emotions :)
header (cactus illustration) by lisaglanz
Done Monday, 2 September 2019
How do I describe this feeling ya? If I could physically explain how I am feeling right now, I'd say it's close to the feeling of having air back into your system once you resurface above the water after diving deep down into the ocean. I could finally say that I am over it. I am done, what happened, happened and I am glad it happened cause the lessons I learned from it has helped me grow better as a human being. I am beyond thankful that the feelings I once had for that person had faded and the chapter to that is firmly closed. May we never cross each other's path again cause I am so tired to even wanna think about that anymore. What's done is done and I am thankful I'd made such decisions before.
Frad - First Date Saturday, 17 August 2019
For people out there, who are deeply broken inside and disorientated, people, like you and me who can only relate to melodies like this to express their pain. I hope one day, we will find our own happiness in ways that we truly deserve. Till then, cope & seek comfort in this song.
Youth Thursday, 1 August 2019
"Cause most of our feelings, they are dead and they are gone" — Youth, Daughter.
I was thinking of posting an entry when I heard this line from the song that was playing on my laptop.
Anyway, what I'm gonna talk about has absolutely nothing to do with the song or the line. I just think that the line caught my attention—okay don't mind that let's proceed to the actual gist.
Recently, my emotions have been overpowering my ability to function as and think like a normal, well-behaved human being. Feeling extra sensitive probably because I'm pmsing and such but suddenly I feel like I have zero control over my emotions and feelings. I just don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of having my true feelings repressed. Maybe I'm just sick of having to keep things to myself. Can't help it, I am not that kind of person who will share their thoughts with others undoubtedly. I have trust issues. Whatever on that but right now it's so hard to keep mind over matter. I really hope time will help me to become more matured in handling these petty things.
Ok, for now, that's all. I just don't know how to end this post so yeah till next post, bye.
/// older post of mine that I decided to publish recently. hell- some things just don't change huh.
Selfish Friday, 1 June 2018
You see, I am far off from having a lot of friends, and I do appreciate every single one of my 5, 6 friends who kind enough to want to get involved with me. I am thankful for life for what every of them had offered me, let it be help, time, comfort and a supportive friendship. But, it is wrong for me to think of myself first in situations that needed me to? Do they think I make such decisions without taking them into consideration first? If I really am an uptight and selfish person, then why did I have to be stupid enough to want to go through trouble to ask them beforehand or why did I even bother clarifying myself and lower down my ego just so they misunderstand things and feel bad?
I want to continue writing this post, but I'll stop here for now.
Till then.
A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage; and then is heard no more. Sunday, 7 January 2018
it's 2018. A whole new year but really, my life is basically the same old same old shit.
You know how I only come to post here where I have those really, really unpleasant days. Today is one of them.
I'm 22 this year. People said, people by the age of 22 should be doing something. I look around and I see my peers achieving something. Am I not trying my best? I feel like I've been making the same effort as those people, but why did my effort always come to no avail? Why do I still be feeling like the same imbecile with nothing to be proud of from 2014? It always ends the same for me, as if life was meant to fail me each time. It hurts because I feel like I've done my best by my end result shows the other way around. Even when I actually did achieve something in my life, I remember feeling unappreciated and as if life itself betrayed me, like it decided to crumple me up and throw me into the bin.
Sumpah. Aku rasa bodoh gila. Probably the most stupidest moment I have ever felt in my whole 22 years of living. I feel like a human trash. Underserving of anything good in life. Then, why am I still breathing? Why am I wasting this space on Earth when there could be another useful person that could contribute more than I could? These thoughts go back and forth in my mind all the time. Maafkan adik, mak and ayah, but sorry to inform you that this daughter of yours is failing miserably despite what I have been appearing to show to you both.
The painful part is I have to show people how these failures do not affect me when it is actually sinking my self-esteem to the very bottom of the rock. It takes every fiber of my being to not shed a tear in front of my friends which is quite humiliating. Because I don't want them to be all sympathetic and go "poor you". If you know me in real life you know what a 'cheerful' person I am. Sorry guys that it turns out everything disappoints me and I hate myself and my life haha suprise! Sorry that I make jokes to cover up my pathetic self but I guess that's just my coping mechanism.
She is a Capricorn Sunday, 3 April 2016
Below those fluffly clouds Thursday, 31 March 2016
Sugar coated words are truth in denial,
Making lies has been a constant cycle,
Fake promises used to hold your rivals,
Separating love from your very vital.
What might seem so simple,
Could be the one that triggers you to be evil,
What appears to be very little,
Could be the one that turns you into a devil.
Sea of feelings Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Life..its ups and downs Teach us to be stronger and firm to our root Sometimes things can let us down Provoking such reckless attitudes And in the sea of feelings we drown Floating around in our journey to find the Absolute For He the one that can create smile from a frown And again, making us feeling valued and rescued....